Special Issue on "Immunomodulatory and therapeutic approaches against infectious diseases"


  • Lavkush Dwivedi Bundelkhand University Jhansi




Infectious diseases and consequent immune imbalances

are major constraint in human health management

throughout the world. However, in recent

decades enormous efforts have been made to elucidate

the immunomodulatory approaches against

infectious diseases. Immunomodulation is a therapeutic

approach in which we try to intervene in

auto regulating processes of the defense system to

adjust the immune response at a desired level.

The present


special issue on cutting edge issues in

Immunomodulation like Immune stimulation, Immune

suppression, Immune potentiating and immune

reinforcement summarizes our current understanding

of this complex mosaic. The accompanying

selection of recent articles from across the

world provides further insight into this topic.


Author Biography

Lavkush Dwivedi, Bundelkhand University Jhansi

Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP, India


